Tough Love from Jillian - The Newsletter

Ever wonder about Jesus and how he could be God? Let’s be for real, we have all thought about it in some capacity. When we start on our walk of faith with the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), we question the possibilities.
From my studies I have gathered, you can’t put a limit on God or what he is capable of. Think about it. If he created the universe and split the Red Sea for Moses, why couldn’t he come to earth as a human?
Why would he want to subject himself to our broken world and die a horrible death though?
God loved his creation so much he would die for our love in return. How many Gods do you know that have that story? As humans, our sin is what separates us from the perfect and holy God. So, in order to save us from death, he came to earth to rescue us. 🙌
God of Abraham, or God of the Old Testament, or God of the Jews, or God of the Universe, made a covenant with Abraham choosing his offspring to be the chosen people of God. In order to reach all people, God sent his son Jesus to Earth as an offering: a way for all Jews and Gentiles (non-Jew) to create a new covenant.
Basically...the bible says that God is spirit and God sent his son Jesus, and that Jesus is God, and Jesus is the son of God, and Jesus left us the Holy Spirit when he departed.
Shew... lot’s going on here.
That’s where the trinity comes in: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Three in one.
Why not come to earth and become the most famous person in history? Jesus changed the corse of history by creating a new way to heaven. It was a direct path to the father through him and only him.
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6
He liked to lay it down hot and heavy (I appreciate that).
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. I know we can’t grasp this, but Jesus brought God’s character, majesty and very essence of God to a human body even though God is spirit.
“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” - John 4:24
True worship is a matter of the heart. It demands more than just outward motions, it is an inner submission of oneself to God. At the same time, Jesus willingly stripped himself of the privileges of deity (God). Christ in human form was both God and man - two distinct natures united in one person. Pretty cool!
Don’t believe that? That’s ok, but if you believe in God, you need to understand Jesus. They go together. If you want to align your belief in God with the Bible, the written word of truth, learn about Jesus and his purpose.
When I started my walk of faith, I connected with God, I did not connect with Jesus. During my faith journey with God, I have learned more and more about the person of Jesus. As I write this to you... know that it is only through my study and writing that I find answers. I’m just sharing my findings with you. I’m still seeking, I'm still learning and I’m still asking God to reveal his character to me.
I’m opting in and I’m committed to spending the rest of my life seeking who and what God is.

TUNE IN TO The Owning the Wait Podcast!
This show will help you take ownership of your life, health, spirituality, business, and so much more. My mission in life is to help YOU achieve your goals by giving you the tough love necessary to stop making excuses and start showing up for yourself. If you're ready to opt-in and you're willing to do the work to level up in life, you're in the right place. Receive hope, tough love, and tactical ways to sew the seeds that will let you step into true physical and emotional health, founded spirituality, successful entrepreneurship, and inner peace.